Radical Love Now!

Join us for a literary gathering and performance with the goal of raising money for the children of Gaza.
HostLatif Ba
Date icon

Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

11:30 pm1:30 am UTC

IRL at Index NYC
Contribute what you can — revenue will be shared between artists & producers
HostLatif Ba
Date icon

Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

11:30 pm1:30 am UTC

IRL at Index NYC
Contribute what you can — revenue will be shared between artists & producers

Join us for an intimate night of poetry from writers using their words to transform the world into a loving abode for all beings.

This reading will be hosted by Latif Askia Ba and will feature j. eunsun, Andres Cordoba, Mansi Dahal, and Kyle Carrero Lopez.

Half of all ticket sales will be donated to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. Drinks will be available for purchase.

Host Bio

Latif Askia Ba is a poet with Choreic Cerebral Palsy living in Brooklyn, New York. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University and taught there as an Early Career Fellow. He’s also an author at Stillhouse Press, who published his first full-length collection, The Machine Code of a Bleeding Moon, in September 2022. His newest collection, The Choreic Period, is forthcoming from Milkweed Editions in January, 2025. His work appears in SICK Magazine, Poetry Magazine, Poem-A-Day, and many other places.

Contributor Bios

Kyle Carrero Lopez is the author of MUSCLE MEMORY, the chapbook winner of the 2020 [PANK] Books Contest, published in 2022. He co-founded LEGACY, a Brooklyn-based production collective by and for Black queer artists, and his debut full-length collection PARTY LINE is forthcoming from Graywolf in 2026.

Mansi Dahal is a writer from Nepal and a recent graduate of Columbia University’s MFA program, where she was honored with the Waletzky Fellowship award. Her work has appeared in POETRY, New England Review, Southeast Review, Copper Nickel, and elsewhere. Her poem “what the eye chooses to see” was nominated by Copper Nickel for Best New Poets. She was also a finalist for Palette Poetry’s 2022 Sappho Prize.

Andres Cordoba is a Massachusetts-born writer. A recipient of the Thayer Fellowship and the Patricia Kerr Ross Award, he was named a 2019 Breakout 8 Writer in poetry by Epiphany: A Literary Journal and a finalist in Black Warrior Review’s 2020 Poetry Contest. He is a graduate of the Brooklyn Poets 2022 Mentorship program and was a 2023 Periplus Mentorship Fellow. His work can be found in The Gandy Dancer, As it Ought to Be, Epiphany: A Literary Journal, and The Harvard Review. He is currently a MFA candidate in poetry at Brown University where he was the recipient of the Edwin Honig Memorial Award for poetry and the John Hawkes Award for fiction.

j. eunsun (not pictured) is a poet artist in new york city. she integrates mediums of text, paper, and image. her work listens towards memory keeping and familial histories.

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