Open Source Package Publishing
$40In this workshop, you will learn how to contribute to open-source libraries and publish your own @my-handle/toolkit package for code that you use throughout your projects. We'll talk a bit about "why" of open source software - What are the larger impacts of OSS? How can we better share our knowledge and tools with others? What can we learn from the history of open source? We'll then dive into the "how" - how NPM works, tips for making your library contributor-friendly, and a range of tooling and concepts such as semantic versioning, typescript, test-driven development, and continuous integration.
This workshop is open to people of all skill levels. The only requirements are familiarity with Javascript and Git/Github. If you aren't a developer, you'll be able to pair with someone who is and get a peek into how things work under the hood. Participants who are familiar with or interested in Typescript will have the option of using it, but this is optional.